I am learning to use the correct structure for recount writing.
At the beach
On a lovely Sunday morning my family and I went to the beach in Opo. First my Uncle Rewe ran into the water. When he ran in he did a dive. Next Uncle Mano and my Dad ran into the water. My Dad said, “It’s freezing.” Then Uncle Mano ran in the water. It was warm he said.
Later on Bracken and I ran down to the sand to play with Jhai, Panapa and Zion. It was fun playing in the sand.
I felt glad, happy and great.
Then Bracken and I had a race back up to the table.
Bracken won and I lost.
After that Uncle Mano and Bracken and I went to the Fish and Chip shop down the road from the beach. Uncle Mano asked if Bracken and I wanted to go on to the bridge and we did go.
Finally Uncle Mano, my Dad, Bracken and I hopped into the car and we went to the falls on the way back to my house.